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High School Course Information Guide

Our Mission

To ensure all students are career ready and college prepared by designing and providing excellent and engaging learning opportunities. 

Our Vision

To be an innovative school system committed to excellence for ALL.

Informed Choice Registration

High schools operate under a parent/student informed choice open registration.  The decision to enroll in any course offered is the choice and responsibility of the student and his/her parents.  Parameters, of course, exist such as proper course sequence and those courses required for graduation.  Although school personnel may make recommendations concerning level of difficulty (for example, academic, honors, and so forth), the parent and student should weigh all options and be part of the final decision.  Every effort is made to place a student in the desired classes, but there are times when some changes must be made.  Class schedules are generally received by the student several weeks prior to the beginning of the school year.  Please note the designated drop/add dates and times.  It is most important that any schedule changes take place during those times to ensure desired classes are obtained and no class time is missed.

Course Selection

Parents and students are encouraged to consider upper level courses that will offer more rigor and challenge to students.  Franklin County Schools has a wide selection of courses taught at the Honors and Advanced Placement levels.  Colleges and universities look closely at the level of work on a student’s transcript. Students earn an additional quality points for taking classes at the Honors and the Advanced Placement (AP) levels. Most colleges and universities will accept AP test scores earned in high school and apply them as college or university level credits.  For additional information,  contact   your school counselor.

Course Load & Course Withdrawal Penalty

All students are expected to take a full load (four) of courses each semester. Under certain circumstances a student may be considered for less than a full load. For this, the principal must approve, as well as the parent and student, with the appropriate form completed and on file in the student’s permanent school folder. 

Students are not allowed to drop a course after the first ten days of school. If a student withdraws after the ten-day period, a failure (WF) is noted as the grade and the course is counted as a course attempted with no quality points earned. This action will result in a lower grade point average for the student.