I understand that Franklin County Early College High School (FCECHS) will review my academic, behavior, and attendance records again at the end of the 2024-2025 school year and may rescind any offer of admission should a student's record indicate any change in good standing with regard to academics, behavior or attendance.
I understand that FCECHS operates on both a high school and college campus and that students are expected to be responsible members of the community. Any attendance, behavior, or serious academic problems may be sufficient cause to rescind any assignment to FCECHS.
I understand that the FCECHS school year will start August 4th, 2025. All Freshmen are required to attend Freshmen Jumpstart on July 28th, 2025.
At FCECHS, all students are expected to complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service each year as a condition of their enrollment. Our school counselor works with students to help make this goal attainable. I understand that I am responsible for completing community service each year.
I understand that while transportation is available via shuttle bus, there will be periods of time, i.e., teacher workdays or holidays, where students may be required to provide their own transportation to their VGCC classes.