Those wishing to speak during the public comment portion of the meeting must sign in on site in Room A107 prior to 6:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Sign in will be available from 5:30 p.m. to 5:59 p.m. Public comments will not be accepted electronically.
Public comments are limited to three minutes and will be read during the Public Comment Section of the BOE meeting.
In accordance to Policy 2310, the board chairperson will recognize speakers in the order in which they signed in. Each speaker will receive three minutes to present comments; however, the public comment session will not exceed 30 minutes total except by majority vote of the board. If a speaker is unable to present all of his or her information within the specified time limit, the speaker may provide the board with the additional information in written form.
Please refrain from addressing specific employee or student concerns as a part of public comment. Concerns can be directed to district leadership as described in Policy 2310.
Board members will not respond to individuals who address the board except to request clarification of points made by the presenter. The board chairperson has the authority to speak on behalf of the board and to refer concerns to administration. Except in cases of emergency, information received during presentations will not be acted upon at the time it is received.